Use firearms to humanely destroy animals


Welcome to PVO Training’s AHCPMG304 Use firearms to humanely destroy animals training program!

This program is designed for individuals who are involved in the management of pests and animals that require humane destruction. Our program covers the skills and knowledge needed to safely and effectively use firearms for this purpose.

At PVO Training, we understand the importance of humane animal destruction and the role it plays in animal welfare, public safety, and environmental conservation. Our program is delivered by experienced trainers who have extensive knowledge in this field.

The AHCPMG304 Use firearms to humanely destroy animals training program covers a range of topics including:

  • Legal and ethical requirements for humane animal destruction
  • Firearms safety and handling techniques
  • Firearm maintenance and storage
  • Techniques for shooting and killing animals humanely
  • Post-shoot procedures and reporting requirements

Our program is conducted in a safe and supportive learning environment, using industry-standard equipment and tools. Participants will have the opportunity to practice their skills under the guidance of our experienced trainers.

Upon successful completion of the program, participants will receive a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for AHCPMG304 Use firearms to humanely destroy animals.

Duration: This Unit of Competency will involve the following delivery methods:

  • Self paced, pre-course theory component
  • Face to face delivery (1 day)
  • Practical training and  assessment

Further training will be provided if necessary.

BLP Training & Services trading as PVO Training RTO 5795

"Feedback from the staff was very positive on the quality of the training and the professionalism of the trainer. It is great to be working with a quality RTO that provides industry leading training especially in one of our highest risk activities"
Brisbane Airport Training Manager